Think of every aspect of your being as a collection of muscles. The more you use them, the stronger they become.
Even when we’re doing nothing, we’re doing something. Even when you’re not working out, you’re working out.
If I do nothing all day, over time, I’ll get really good at doing nothing every day. If I eat 3 square meals a day, by the following month you’d expect me to be pretty decent at it. If I answer that call from my mum which I always ignore because it makes me feel anxious, and practice taking the plunge and just click ‘accept’ automatically whenever she calls, by next year I’d expect to be more able to handle difficult calls of any kind.
Whatever you do, but more importantly, whatever you’re NOT doing, becomes a muscle, which over time gets stronger. Be aware of what you’re getting good at, especially when it feels as though you’re not actually doing anything.

Let someone know you’re picking up the tab for a meal AFTER they’ve ordered. This allows a considerate friend to order what s/he wants freely and also prevents a colleague/acquaintance from taking advantage of your generosity.
If your printer is out of black ink, and you need urgent printout please change the color of the font #010101, which is 99% grey, it will help you quite a lot.
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